Wednesday, December 15, 2004

the new but everknown

today i was talking with myself. i learned some new things
i learned that being famous is like being crippled.
it's limiting to what you can physically pursue within the boundaries of what is considered "normal life"
though there are parts of each of us who wish we were famous
for some reason or another.
why is that? do we wish ourselves crippledness?
i learned no. i learned that we wish ourselves love from masses of people.
validation that this life is worth living.
that waking up in the morning and seeing the sun or the clouds
makes a difference to that earth upon which your house stands
to that world in which you're forced to live.
it seems that celebrity allows a picking and choosing of reality.
is that the case? are they more in control than we, the non famous? the barely loved? the loved by 5 instead of 5 million?
and is the fact that less people love me or you valid in contrast to the amount of love deserved?

I learned that the fallability of the world IS the perfection we seek.
I learned that God could make a perfect world in just a moment. That it was work for he and the helpers to create a world that was in fact Imperfect, or that was perceived as such, though the greater hand is always at play in making what appears as bad or evil really a hand of cards dealt to serve the greater good of ourselves.

i learned that i might not want to be famous.
but i still have yet to understand why we live.
i have yet to wake up and be glad to be living here.
i long for the day my body holds me back no more.
i long for the day love is all i am. pure. clear. clean. love.

it is a weird world, isn't it?
and the existence of us is important yet alarmingly insignificant in many aspects.
i can live with that for one more day.
not that i have much of a choice.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

we work together

we work together to create a new definition of life as we know it.
there are reasons
we receive the energies and formulate them into linear language
most typically understandable by drums in my head
but at times something no longer comprehensible by this limited mind
we work together
if we just would
cannot we see the potential of earth?
and those whose feet dwell upon the sand
we all long to understand
separated from our god
i long to be back there again
in energy form
closer to the sun
my only one
my god
my god
what have we done